All kids love a really good playground. Even though play is increasingly being centred around screens and phones, a trip to a kids’ favourite playground is still one of the highlights of the week. We all want children to be able to play in a safe and appropriate environment, and at Stop Digging we think this is an important part of all childhoods.
Building a fully equipped playground can be a big project that puts many people off, but it doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. However, it does require some careful planning before you begin. Here are the top three things to think about when you are planning your playground:
Where do you want your playground?
If you are going to build a public playground that everyone can play in, there are a lot of rules to take into account. To learn more about the safety standards and regulations that must be met in a public place, see EN1176 and EN1177. These are the two main standards when it comes to playgrounds and cover all areas, from surfacing to equipment.
If you are going to build a playground at home in the garden, you naturally have more freedom. As a general rule, you would not need to apply for planning permission for any playground equipment in your garden as it is viewed as a temporary structure, however if you are not sure it is always a good idea to check with the local council. The general guidelines when it comes to building your own playground are:
- Any playhouse structure can be up to 4 metres high if it has a pointed roof and is over 2 metres from any boundaries. If it has a flat roof it can be up to 3 metres.
- It must not be built between a house and a highway.
- Platforms above 30cm need planning permission.
- If your property is listed or on a conservation area then planning permission may apply.
How much time and money do you have?
Time and money are two aspects that always affect every construction project, and playgrounds are no different. When it comes to building a playground, there are endless possibilities for the D-I-Y minded to build parts completely from scratch. This may be time-consuming but can be cheaper in the long run. If you have more financial resources than time, you can choose to assemble your playground by buying ready-made equipment from a supplier. No matter what you choose, there are plenty of skilled suppliers of both wood and ready-made equipment that allow you to build exactly the playground you want.
Do you have a good foundation?
What is the most important thing in a playground? In addition to the kids having fun and being able to play together, safety should be the main priority. By anchoring the equipment in your playground with a ground screw, you give the entire playground a stable foundation and a safer environment for the kids. Some slides and swing structures can be fairly heavy duty. The equipment on a playground must withstand both heavy use and the weather and wind, so a strong foundation is a must for a good and safe place to play. For larger projects, we usually carry out a tensile load test to ensure we use a ground screw with the correct load-bearing capacity. We may need to install a longer screw to guarantee a safe installation, and we have everything from 580mm long screws to 2,500 for every type of project. With ground screws from Stop Digging, it is both cheaper and easier to anchor your playground than concrete foundations.
If you would like more information on how Stop Digging ground screws can help you build the playground of your dreams please feel free to get in contact with us at: SALES@STOPDIGGING.CO.UK or 020 3970 3979