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With the first quarter of the year almost being over, many of us are starting to look forward to the summer months with some better weather and events getting going. Whether it’s a music festival, a food show or a community event, a great event often comes down to the preparation beforehand. So if you are in charge of an event what do you need to have in mind now? 

Here are our top five things to start thinking about now when you are planning your summer event: 

  • The plan 
  • The budget 
  • The venue and equipment 
  • The team 
  • The promotion 

Event plan 

While summer may seem a while away yet, do you have an event plan? The plan always needs to come first when you are organising an event as it gives you a set timeline and objectives that helps you reach your goals. 

First of all, it can be helpful to ask yourself: What are your goals? Why are you organising this event? This can help you identify your main objectives and potential steps to reach these objectives. It will also give you the highest chance for success. For example, if you are planning a local community event and want to help local businesses, then reaching out to those businesses as soon as possible would be high on your list of objectives. 

To identify your timeline, it can be useful to start from the event date that you have set and work backwards. This will help you prioritise and ensure that the most important parts of your plan are scheduled properly. 

Sort out the budget 

Creating a budget will help you and your team work within the set limits that you have and give priority to the exciting parts. Some of the things you need to include in your budget are: 

  • Venue
  • Entertainment 
  • Food and drink 
  • Staff
  • Marketing 
  • Audio Visual 
  • Amenities such as toilets 

If you are not sure of the extent of the price for some of these items it’s useful to have a maximum limit that you will go up to, to make sure that there are no stressful conversations when there is not enough left in the budget for loo roll.

Venue and equipment 

Once you have your event date it’s a good idea to book your venue and equipment as soon as possible. Going to see potential venues in person will help you to access the reality of things like accessibility, amenities and size which are all important when choosing your event venue.  

When it comes to equipment, renting or hiring can work well and be more budget efficient. If you want to have some free-standing structures like fencing, signposts, ticket offices or any kind of shelter if it’s an outside event, then Stop Digging Ground Screws are a fantastic option to anchor objects. They are fast to install, can hold strong loads and also are easily removed and re-used. Get in touch with us here today to see how we can help ensure your event is as safe and secure as possible. 

Organise your team 

Most events run on volunteers so it’s important to work out what you want their roles to be and then start recruiting them. Identify what are the best channels to start looking for potential teammates, such as social media or in your local community channels. Then make a plan to start training them. You could include in-person or online training workshops, which are useful to ensure confidence in your team. 

Get your promotion running 

With even the most amazing exciting event, if you don’t let people know about it then it’s not going to be a success. So having a strategy and getting started on marketing as soon as possible is key. Some areas you can focus on are: 

  • Website 
  • Social media 
  • Printed materials 
  • Email campaign 
  • Local press 

While starting to organise an event can seem a bit overwhelming, if you get started early then we are sure you will have the best summer event possible. If you would like to see some reference images of the kinds of structures Stop Digging ground screws are good for then please see our inspiration section here